Tvåstatslösning Israel-Palestina?
Det finns fortfarande människor som pratar om "tvåstatslösning" i den del av det Palestinska Mandatet som blev över efter det att England illegalt hade givit 80% av området de skulle förvalta, till en arabisk kompis, som sedermera blev ett judefritt Jordanien. Numera borde det väl bli en trestatslösning.
Denna bluff om "tvåstatslösning" fick Arafat från - Nordvietnam! Hur en svagare part genom lämplig propaganda kan vinna - med hjälp till och med av vänsteranhängare i USA! Nu använder palestinaaraberna exakt samma metod för att få extremvänstrn i Israel att underminera försvarsviljan hos Israel - och det värsta är att även Israels nuvarande regering ingår i denna vänstergrupp!
"Joel Fishman, adjunct fellow at the University of Calgary's Center for Military and Strategic Studies, sees the Muslim Brotherhood transforming "Gaza into an armed and fortified enclave from which it can stage new acts of aggression. Indeed, Hamas has no plans to accept Israel's existence."
"At the beginning of the 1970s, a delegation of Palestinians, among them Arafat...went to consult the North Vietnamese political officers. Seeing how successfully North Vietnam was standing up to the U.S. in the war, while garnering sympathy and support even from the American public, the Palestinians - in crisis because they were universally viewed as terrorists - sought out their advice. In response, the Vietnamese counseled them to work for their goals in phases, which would conceal their real purpose, permit strategic deception, and give the appearance of moderation."
"So the PLO leadership adopted the term 'two-state solution' from the North Vietnamese....The 'two-state solution' represented a way-station on the road to ultimate victory. The real meaning of this term - and its real intent - was the model of North Vietnam which ultimately swallowed up South Vietnam. This is why it makes me shiver to hear Israeli leaders call for a 'two-state solution.'"
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Denna bluff om "tvåstatslösning" fick Arafat från - Nordvietnam! Hur en svagare part genom lämplig propaganda kan vinna - med hjälp till och med av vänsteranhängare i USA! Nu använder palestinaaraberna exakt samma metod för att få extremvänstrn i Israel att underminera försvarsviljan hos Israel - och det värsta är att även Israels nuvarande regering ingår i denna vänstergrupp!
"Joel Fishman, adjunct fellow at the University of Calgary's Center for Military and Strategic Studies, sees the Muslim Brotherhood transforming "Gaza into an armed and fortified enclave from which it can stage new acts of aggression. Indeed, Hamas has no plans to accept Israel's existence."
"At the beginning of the 1970s, a delegation of Palestinians, among them Arafat...went to consult the North Vietnamese political officers. Seeing how successfully North Vietnam was standing up to the U.S. in the war, while garnering sympathy and support even from the American public, the Palestinians - in crisis because they were universally viewed as terrorists - sought out their advice. In response, the Vietnamese counseled them to work for their goals in phases, which would conceal their real purpose, permit strategic deception, and give the appearance of moderation."
"So the PLO leadership adopted the term 'two-state solution' from the North Vietnamese....The 'two-state solution' represented a way-station on the road to ultimate victory. The real meaning of this term - and its real intent - was the model of North Vietnam which ultimately swallowed up South Vietnam. This is why it makes me shiver to hear Israeli leaders call for a 'two-state solution.'"
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